Called to Care

A One-Day Ministry Training Symposium for Lay Caregivers, People Helpers, Church Leaders & Mental Health Workers Saturday, June 24 │The Hope Center │Plano, TX Live In-Person Event: 9am-4pm | Virtual…

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Thank you for attending the 2023 Thrive & Cultivate Summit! Here are two free Keys for Living digital books from Hope for the Heart. The Keys for Living provide clear…

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Your prayers and support help change lives by providing biblical resources, counseling services, training programs and more to those struggling with mental, emotional, and spiritual life issues. To say thanks…

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Give Hope

Give Hope. Change Lives. Hope for the Heart exists to equip Christians – The Body of Christ – with biblical and practical resources to meet this challenge. By providing tools…

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You will receive an email shortly with a link to receive your free PDF download. If you’d like the printed version of My Damaged Faith for $2.99 – click here.…

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