Life has its moments, but God is faithful no matter what
After an unfortunate injury in which I tore my ACL, and a time in my life when home life was hard, I didn’t feel that life was going that well at the moment.
After an unfortunate injury in which I tore my ACL, and a time in my life when home life was hard, I didn’t feel that life was going that well at the moment.
When I was young, I was heavyset and shy. I thought that being thin would finally make me beautiful and get the attention that I so desperately wanted.
"I don't feel like God loves me. Do I have to change before God will love me?"
"Is suicide an unpardonable sin? Doesn't God understand how I feel?"
"How can I find my true meaning and purpose for living?"
"I constantly feel that I am disappointing myself and others. I have high expectations that cause me to feel like a constant failure -- is it perfectionism? Is it depression? How do I change?"