Changing the Course of a Manipulative Relationship
We all want approval from certain people on our lives, but at what cost? Listen as June Hunt talks with a daughter who’s struggling to honor her mom while living her own life as a wife and mother.
We all want approval from certain people on our lives, but at what cost? Listen as June Hunt talks with a daughter who’s struggling to honor her mom while living her own life as a wife and mother.
How can you restore trust in your marriage? Listen as June Hunt talks with a man who admits to making a decision that negatively impacted his marriage – emotionally, financially, and spiritually. Today’s conversation is about marriage, communication, trust, and moving forward in a way that honors your marriage and God.
Do you know that you have a love language? This love language indicates the way you feel loved and appreciated. Listen as June Hunt talks with a daughter who shares how the interaction with her mother bring out the worst in her. It’s a conversation about shifting your focus
God created us with a desire for meaningful connection. One of the keys to this connection is communication. However, there are times when communication includes confrontation. June Hunt asks us to look at how we communicate and confront. Are we fostering connection or creating division?
Where is your hope? During those times when life is uncertain, during those times when you doubt God … where do you turn? June Hunt says “There are no hopeless situations, only those who have grown hopeless.” Listen as June connects us to a hope that can be the Anchor of Your Soul.
Following a personal mistake, can you rise above the guilt and shame? The answer is Yes! Listen to this real-life example of how God forgives us, renews us, and uses our failures for our good.
Have you ever failed at anything? Does that mean you’re a failure? The answer is No! June Hunt says she has learned more from her failures than from her successes. Discover how failure can be your unexpected friend.
We’ve all been victims of wrongdoing. While some people manage to face the abuse and find healing, others find it hard to let go of the hurt. June Hunt tells us that even when people and circumstances chip away at our self-worth … we are not powerless.
Powerless … fearful … damaged … hopeless. Do these words describe the way you see yourself or what you’ve been told about yourself? Being a victim of abuse can cause any of us to feel powerless and hopeless. But June Hunt says we all have God-given worth. With God, we can also find healing, walk in freedom, and move forward with hope.
What does hope mean? Is it wishful thinking that something good will happen? Is it looking for that “light at the end of the tunnel?” These are great questions, especially during this time of uncertainty surrounding the COVID-19 pandemic. Listen as June Hunt talks with a woman who says she can’t see a light at the end of the tunnel. The good news is: there is hope!
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