Protests, Relationships and the Church
Listen to Dr. Mark Crear, two-time Olympic Medalist, share his thoughts with Dr. Eric Scalise on the current state of protests, relationships and the Church.
Listen to Dr. Mark Crear, two-time Olympic Medalist, share his thoughts with Dr. Eric Scalise on the current state of protests, relationships and the Church.
Pastors and clergy members are often thought of as caring and compassionate people. Indeed, most who feel called to ministry settings readily identify with the heartbeat and compassion of Christ as He related to those around Him.
Mental health is a topic that people of faith and the Church as a whole, often wrestle with. That’s because it’s messy; it challenges some of our core beliefs and frequently leaves Christians with more questions than answers.
Stuck in unforgiveness? When we’ve been wronged, our response makes all the difference.
God cares about your every worry, every “what if,” every fear. When you’re afraid, remember the Lord is with you, and He can help. We hope you’re encouraged by this short video.
In times like these, worry seems to be as easy as breathing. But we have a reason to have hope. We pray that God will give you peace and encourage you with this short video.
Remember Your Hope “Yet this I call to mind and therefore I have hope: Because of the Lord’s great love we are not consumed, for his compassions never fail. They…
Anger can make you feel like a powder keg, vulnerable to even the smallest spark. When you lose control, the flames can be explosive, singeing your relationships, charring your work and burning your health. In truth, anger is a positive emotion, designed by God as a warning signal to alert you to a problem. But if left unchecked, anger grows into deep destructive bitterness.
Have you ever failed at anything? Does that mean you’re a failure? The answer is a No! Many leaders talk about their failures and how they used them to grow. June Hunt is one of them. She says she’s learned more from her failures than her success. She also says that our stumbling stones can be our stepping stones.
Releasing is not to stop loving you, but is to love enough to stop leaning on you. ~ Releasing is not to stop caring for you, but is ...