The hero is hidden for these blogs because the header image includes the blog title. So we don’t want the hero with the title to display because redundancy.
There’s a lot of anger these days. You see it on the news and social media every day. Maybe you deal with frustrated and angry people at work … or in your own home and life. Check out our article on Anger and see what God’s Word says about this fiery emotion and the practical steps you can take to control it.
If you or a loved one are in despair, battling depression, or just feel weighed down by life … it can seem like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. But even in the darkness of depression, the Lord can shine a light and give us hope. Read the article, Light in the Darkness, and discover comforting promises from God’s Word on depression. And please share this with a friend who may need some encouragement.
There’s grace for the anxious, fearful heart. For all who wrestle with anxiety, God’s Word offers hope for the future and help for today. He comes alongside you and says, “Do not fear, for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10). Find 7 practical steps from God’s Word on how to manage anxiety.
He is Risen! Few phrases pack as much power, mystery, and hope as that. This triumphant, history-altering, life-changing truth will be celebrated once again this Easter by millions upon millions of people all over the world.
Find helpful resources & comforting promises from God’s Word today >>
Please read this note on Grief from a staff member at Hope for the Heart …This week marks the 8-year anniversary since my father passed away. He was the best dad a son could ask for. My mom died when I was 16, and since then, my biggest fear was always losing my dad … Read more here:
During uncertain and unstable times, it is important to be rooted in the truth of God’s Word - to be reminded of God’s sovereign care, eternal hope, and what He calls us to be and do.
When you forgive someone, it doesn’t mean you’re excusing bad behavior. We often struggle to forgive because there are so many misunderstandings about what it means. Read the 10 Things Forgiveness is NOT, and discover the truth about forgiveness and letting go of past pain.
Do you ever feel like you’re not “good enough” – like you’re unworthy or unlovable? If you’ve heard constant, cruel and condemning messages from your parents, spouse, partner, boss, or anyone close to you … you might have come to believe those messages over time. But God’s Word reveals the truth about you. Learn how to replace negative messages and lies with the truth of God’s Word.
Do you ever think you’re unworthy of God’s love? We need to see the way Jesus sees us. Read this poem, “The Eyes of Christ,” and be encouraged as you read how Jesus sees us with eyes of grace and compassion.