The hero is hidden for these blogs because the header image includes the blog title. So we don’t want the hero with the title to display because redundancy.

God’s Promises for Depression

If you or a loved one are in despair, battling depression, or just feel weighed down by life … it can seem like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. But even in the darkness of depression, the Lord can shine a light and give us hope. Read the article, Light in the Darkness, and discover comforting promises from God’s Word on depression. And please share this with a friend who may need some encouragement.

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The 7 Lies of Abuse

Do you ever feel like you’re not “good enough” – like you’re unworthy or unlovable? If you’ve heard constant, cruel and condemning messages from your parents, spouse, partner, boss, or anyone close to you … you might have come to believe those messages over time. But God’s Word reveals the truth about you. Learn how to replace negative messages and lies with the truth of God’s Word.

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