The hero is hidden for these blogs because the header image includes the blog title. So we don’t want the hero with the title to display because redundancy.

Holiday Stress

The holiday season is supposed to be a time for relaxing and celebrating with friends and family. However, that’s not always the case. Rates of depression, drinking and drugging episodes, family and relational conflicts, loneliness and isolation … all increase during the last few months of the year. Holiday stress is real, but the good news is that it can be managed effectively if we know what to anticipate.

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10 Truths on Bullying: Practical Help from God’s Word

You see it everywhere – social media, classrooms, playgrounds, workplaces, and nursing homes. Bullying has become a growing problem in our world with effects ranging from poor self-worth, difficulties at school and work, relationship issues, mental health challenges, and even suicide. Read our latest article on bullying and learn what God’s Word says about this destructive issue.

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God’s Plan for You

We’re passionate about helping you grow in your spiritual walk – and that begins with a personal relationship with Jesus. If you’ve ever wondered what it means to have a relationship with God – or you’re looking for an easy way to share the gospel with others – please check out our new page, God’s Plan for You. We created this page to be a place where you can learn God’s plan of salvation and find some helpful (and free!) resources to grow in your relationship with God.

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God’s Promises for Depression

If you or a loved one are in despair, battling depression, or just feel weighed down by life … it can seem like there’s no light at the end of the tunnel. But even in the darkness of depression, the Lord can shine a light and give us hope. Read the article, Light in the Darkness, and discover comforting promises from God’s Word on depression. And please share this with a friend who may need some encouragement.

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