Here’s a word of encouragement for you…
Is this you?
When things get difficult … you’re that person who friends and family lean on. You’re that person co-workers go to when they are stressed. You’re the one who people come to for advice, prayer, or just a listening ear. You’re the one who people call or text when they are hurting or broken or facing a difficult decision.
You’re easy to talk with. You listen. You care. You ask questions. Maybe you feel like you have a calling to help others, or you’re involved in ministry in some capacity.
You find that helping others is fulfilling and rewarding in and of itself. You feel good when you help someone through a tough decision or painful season of life.
It’s hard sometimes.
But sometimes, if you’re honest, its difficult. You don’t always have the answers. You don’t always have the patience. You don’t always know what to say or what to do.
It’s okay to admit … sometimes it’s exhausting. It’s like you’re giving and giving and giving and never receiving. It’s hard being there for so many people when it feels like no one is there for you.
You pour yourself out for others, but no one pours into you.
I wish someone would just listen to me for once. I wish someone would care for me as much as I care for them.
You’re not alone.
If you’re that friend everyone comes to for help, it’s important to have friends and a community who will pour into you. God’s Word says, “two people are better off than one, for they can help each other succeed. If one person falls, the other can reach out and help. But someone who falls alone is in real trouble” (Ecclesiastes 4:9).
There are times in your life when you just have to acknowledge, I need someone. I need help. You can’t be everything to everyone all the time. God did not create you to meet everyone’s needs.
Give yourself a break.
The Lord knows when you need a break. One time when Jesus and the disciples were ministering to crowds of people, they were so busy that “they did not even have a chance to eat” (Mark 6:31) In other words, they were so busy meeting others’ needs that didn’t get a chance to address their own most basic needs. So, Jesus said to them, “Come with me by yourselves to a quiet place and get some rest” (Mark 6:31).
If you’re the person who constantly gives and serves others, you need to schedule time to rest. To get alone with God. To do something fun. To do things that encourage you and give you life.
It’s often been said, but it bears repeating – you are a human being, not a human doing. It’s okay to take time for yourself.
It is good and right that you are “that friend people come to for help.” The Lord no doubt uses you to encourage, comfort, strengthen, and bless people. But the Lord also wants to encourage, comfort, strength, and bless you.
You can’t constantly pour yourself out to others without the Lord and His people pouring into you.
So come to Him today. Find fresh encouragement in His Word. Consider joining us at our Hope Together conference this fall so we can pour into you. And let Jesus be the friend that you come to for help.
“Come to me,
all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest.”
(Matthew 11:28)
2023 Hope Together Conference
October 19-21 │In-Person & Livestream
Hope Together is the premier conference for Christians who feel called to care, coach, and counsel with God’s Word. This will be a life-changing 3 days of biblical training, fellowship, and networking for Christ-followers, ministry leaders, disciple-makers, lay caregivers, Christian Life Coaches, pastors, counselors, and everyday people-helpers. We’d love for you to join us!
At Hope Together, you will …
- Receive world-class biblical training
- Experience uplifting times of worship
- Become equipped to share God’s Word
- Be poured into by a supportive Christian community
- Get practical tools to grow spiritually and professionally
- Be able to customize your experience with 50+ training workshops
- Hear from 10 inspiring, sought-after keynote speakers including June Hunt, Nick Vujicic, Taya Kyle, Steve Arterburn, and more!