You’d think by now, as an adult, I’d be able to go to the dentist with no fear. Well, it turns out I had to address some deep-seated fears recently.
Due to COVID affecting many businesses the last few years, I missed a few dentist appointments. So, I finally got around to it and set myself up for some dental work. I got some bad news at my last checkup … “You’ll need this and that done, and it will take 2-3 hours.”
Oh, great.
I tried not to hyper-ventilate just thinking about it. Sure, I’ve done all sorts of other high-risk endeavors, like flying overseas and driving in dangerous traffic, but I feared the dentist.
Struggled with and Worked Through
My co-worker here at Hope for the Heart recently shared with me how she struggled with and worked through her fear of flying. She referenced our book on Fear, part of our Keys for Living Library. I thought to myself … Hey, if it helped her with flying, maybe I could get over this paralyzing fear of the dentist.
I prayed a lot. I also read through the part of the Fear book called Steps to Solution multiple times. I focused on the Bible verses that were cited, like Psalm 118:6 … “the LORD is with me; I will not be afraid” (Psalm 118:6). I prepared as best I could for the coming appointment.
As I sat in my car, arriving way too early, I read and re-read the verses and the writings found in the Steps to Solution section. There was much more calmness than in times past.
I walked into the office centered on God’s peace, goodness, and His Word. As it turns out, the person performing the procedure was also a believer. This made things even better – it felt like all my fear was lifted! Before I knew it, the long procedure was over.
Focus on the Lord
I was thankful for the outcomes. I could have made it much worse had I not focused on the Lord and His Word. The only thing that ended up hurting was the bill, but I know the Lord will provide.
Thomas Michael, staff member at Hope for the Heart
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