We often struggle to forgive because there are so many misunderstandings about what it means. In our video course on forgiveness, we discuss some of these misconceptions and talk through how to forgive and let go of past pain. You can learn more about the video course on Forgiveness below.
“Remember, the Lord forgave you,
so you must forgive others.”
(Colossians 3:13 NLT)
What Forgiveness is NOT
10 Truths about Forgiveness
- Forgiveness is NOT forgetting.
It is necessary to remember before you can forgive.
- Forgiveness is NOT denying the hurt.
It is feeling the hurt and releasing it to God.
- Forgiveness is NOT the same as reconciliation.
It takes two to reconcile, but it takes only one to forgive.
- Forgiveness is NOT circumventing God’s justice.
It is allowing God to execute His justice in His time and in His way.
- Forgiveness is NOT excusing wrong behavior.
It is acknowledging that the behavior was wrong and shouldn’t happen again.
- Forgiveness is NOT waiting for “time to heal all wounds.”
It is clear that time doesn’t always heal wounds; some people will not allow healing.
- Forgiveness is NOT letting the guilty “off the hook.”
It is moving the guilty from your hook to God’s hook.
- Forgiveness is NOT explaining away the hurt.
It is working through the hurt.
- Forgiveness is NOT stuffing your anger.
It is resolving your anger by releasing the offense to God.
- Forgiveness is NOT a feeling.
It is a choice – an act of the will.
Forgiveness Video Course
This video course provides a context for life change – to study and reflect on what God says about forgiveness and find practical steps to truly forgive and be healed. In this 70-minute video course, you will learn about:
- What forgiveness is – and is not
- Common misconceptions to forgiveness
- Forgiving yourself
- Barriers to letting go and forgiving
- Differences between forgiveness and reconciliation
- The 4 stages of forgiveness
- Receiving God’s forgiveness
- How to help others forgive and find freedom
- What the Bible says about forgiveness
This video course also comes with:
- A digital companion guide – a downloadable workbook with notes and questions for further study and reflection
- “What is God’s Heart on Forgiveness?” – a PDF from the Keys for Livingbook on Forgiveness with helpful, biblical insights related to this topic